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Wed 29 Thu 30 Fri 31
08:15-09:00 Registration
09:00-09:20 Opening Ceremony
Chair: Francesco Bonaccorso (Instituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Graphene Labs, Italy)
09:20-10:00 PLENARY Recent progress on graphene and van der Waals heterostructures Andre Geim,
University of Manchester, UK
10:00-10:30 KEYNOTE There is plenty of room at the van der Waals 2D heterostructures Young Hee Lee,
Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea
10:30-11:00 KEYNOTE Synthesis and Applications of Graphene Richard Kaner,
University of California, USA
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
Chair: Jean-Christophe Charlier (Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
11:30-12:10 PLENARY Coulomb Drags in Graphene Philip Kim,
Harvard University, USA
12:10-12:25 Excitonic superfluid phase in Double Bilayer Graphene Jia Li, Columbia University, USA Abstr.
12:25-12:40 Experimental observation of quantized edge conduction in graphene point contacts Arindam Ghosh, Indian Institute of Science, India Abstr.
12:40-12:55 Tuning quantum non-local effects in graphene plasmonics Marco Polini, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy Abstr.
12:55-13:20 "M. Dresselhaus In Memoriam" Session
13:20-15:00 Lunch (offered by the organizers)
Chair: Frank Koppens (ICFO- The Institute of Photonic Sciences, Spain)
15:00-15:30 INVITED Graphene Encapsulation for Plastic OLEDs Byung-Hee Hong,
Seoul National Univ. & Graphene Square, South Korea
15:30-15:45 Flexible Graphene based NFC devices Alessandra Scidà, National Research Council (ISOF), Italy Abstr.
15:45-16:15 INVITED Digital camera based on graphene-CMOS integrated imaging array Stijn Goossens,
ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences, Spain
16:15-16:30 Graphene Ballistic Rectifiers for THz Rectification Gregory Auton, The University of Manchester, UK Abstr.
16:30-17:30 Coffee Break
Chair: Stephan Roche (ICREA/ICN2, Spain)
17:30-18:00 KEYNOTE 2D Materials: an industrial revolution in progress Antonio Castro Neto,
NUS, Singapore
18:00-18:15 Gate-tunable black phosphorus spin valve with nanosecond spin lifetimes Ahmet Avsar, EPFL, Switzerland Abstr.
18:15-18:30 All-Electrical Spin-FET in van der Waals Heterostructures at Room Temperature Saroj Dash, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden Abstr.
18:30-18:45 Emergent Phenomena in Graphene Lin He, Beijing Normal University, China Abstr.
18:45-19:00 Charge transport, adhesion and friction in bilayer graphene interfaces Elad Koren, IBM Research GmbH, Switzerland Abstr.

Workshop 1: Opto-electronics and Nanophotonics

The workshop will focus on the physics and applications of nano-photonics and photodetectors based on graphene, related 2d materials, and heterostructures of those. A wide range of physical phenemona are being explored such as plasmonics, carrier dynamics, carrier cooling, energy transfer, non-local response, valley physics etc. These phenomena are often key for the understanding and development of novel device concepts for applications such as photodetectors and modulators.

Workshop 2: Biosensors and Medical Applications

The workshop will be focused on the latest advances in developing graphene-based biosensors (optical, electrical etc), toxicity issues of GRMs as well as their latest developments in nanomedicine and medical applications such as tissue engineering, electrodes for brain, drug delivery, and so forth. Integration of graphene into innovative (bio)sensing systems will lead to high sensitive, high selective and cost-effective analysis and monitoring in fields like medicine, environment, security and other industries. The workshop aims to discuss bio applications facing the requirements set within the context of industrial research.

Workshop 3: Theory & Simulation    

This workshop aims at presenting the state of the art in advanced modelling of structurally and chemically modified forms of graphene and related materials (GRMs). Emphasis will be given to simulations of GRM devices, including transistors, chemical sensors, NEMS, just to cite a few. From novel theoretical concepts to ultimate developments in first-principles calculations, an overall picture of recent achievements/breakthroughs and research prospective will be targeted, including electronic, transport, optical, thermal and mechanical properties.

Workshop 4: Energy

Devices for storing and converting energy, including batteries, supercapacitors, solar and fuel cells, as well as for water splitting and thermoelectricity often benefit from having materials with a large surface area. When combined with a high surface reactivity, high conductivity, or useful optical properties, graphene and related materials (GRMs) become of notable interest for a range of energy applications. This workshop aims to highlight the latest advances and development in the use of GRMs for energy conversion and storage, outlining the stumbling blocks for industrial applications and benchmarking to other technologies.

Workshop 5: Mechanical properties and Nanomechanics

The workshop will focus on the latest advances on nano-mechanical systems based on graphene and other two-dimensional systems. Nano-mechanical systems provide a new and versatile platform for fundamental science and applications. It opens new possibilities in the exploration of a broad range of physical phenomena, such as mechanical nonlinearities, out-of-equilibrium phenomena, dissipation, and noise. Advances in measurements also allows to investigate the unique mechanical properties of monolayer systems. In addition, nano-mechanical systems are fantastic sensors of mass, force, and spin, holding promise for applications.
Workshop 6: Spintronics & Valleytronics

The workshop will focus on the current progress of graphene technology to achieve long spin diffusion lengths, and the current state of the art concerning the interaction between magnetism and spin-orbit coupling as main sources of spin relaxation, issues concerning the observation of spin Hall effects, quantum spin Hall effects or valley Hall effects (including coupling valley and spin degree of freedoms through optical excitations), as well as the quest towards harvesting proximity effects using van der Waals interaction between 2D materials. Low dimensional spin transport will be also addressed.


A series of targeted talks given by Invited speakers will be followed by oral contributions selected from the Graphene 2017 submissions on all workshops mentioned above.