Information for poster presenters:

Poster size: A0 format (width: 841 mm x Height: 1189 mm) (Portrait).

Posters Schedule:

  Session A: From Tuesday morning (April 19) to Wednesday (April 20) late afternoon, see list below - more info

    Composites for Energy applications
    Devices for Electronic Applications (flexible displays, high frequency devices, sensors, etc..)
    Growth, synthesis techniques and integration methods
    Health and Medical Applications
    Quantum transport , magnetism and spintronics

  Session B: From Thursday (April 21) morning to Friday (April 22) until lunch time, see list below - more info

    Chemistry of 2D materials
    Photonics and Plasmonics
    Spectroscopies (Optics, Raman, EELS) and microscopies (HRTEM, STM, AFM)
    Theory and Simulation

Posters Presentation: We recommend the poster presenters (PhD Students) to stand in front of their poster in order to enhance fruitful discussions – designated time that the evaluators will pass by to discuss the work. Posters should be presented during the designated sessions (A & B).

Posters Location: More info

Other info: To each poster will be assigned a number. You will find double side tape directly on the panel to hang your poster.

Check the number assigned to your poster (see list below) and at the entrance of the exhibition and posters hall..

** We would like to inform that abstracts won't be listed in the Graphene2016 book of abstracts if the registration fee is not paid until Monday, 28th of March.**

Tuesday & Wednesday (138) - Alphabetical order

Author & Title Abstract
27 Dawood Alsaedi (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Changing in Sensing Mechanism of Graphene Oxide Gel Photodetector
28 Takashi Aoyama (Akita Prefectural University, Japan)
Schottky-barrier heights for metal/graphene/ZnO hetero-junctions by direct bonding technique
67 Nay Soe Aung (Science and Technology Research Center, Myanmar)
Synthesis of graphene on copper using chemical vapor deposition
68 Bilge Bekdüz (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Effect of growth rate and growth mechanism on the shape of graphene grains in a 4” CVD reactor
1 Sandra Belviso (Universita della Basilicata, Italy)
Supramolecular Hybrids of Thioethylporphyrazine with Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes for Photoinduced Electron Transfer
108 Axel Blau (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), Italy)
Biocompatibility and conductivity of flexible graphene electrodes for neural electrophysiology
69 Ivan Bobrinetskiy (AIMEN, Spain)
Oxidative/reduction effect in ultrafast laser´s patterning of graphene and graphene oxide
109 Michal Bodik (Institute of Physics, Slovakia)
Confocal Raman spectroscopy study of intracellular localization of graphene oxide nanoplatform under development for targeted delivery to cancer cells (Non evaluable poster)
110 Mattia Bramini (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy)
Graphene Oxide disrupts lipid composition, Ca2+ homeostasis and synaptic transmission in primary cortical neurons, without affecting neuronal survival and excitability
29 Paul Campbell (Naval Research Laboratory, USA)
Enhanced Chemical Vapor Sensing with MoS2 Using 1T/2H Phase Contacts/Channel
70 Ilaria Carlomagno (ESRF, France)
Co-Ir alloying upon intercalation of Cobalt ultrathin films under Graphene
30 Mauricio Carvalho (Mackenzie University, Brazil)
Polarization independent optical modulator in integrated waveguide with graphene
2 Stefanos Chaitoglou (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)
Evaluating layer-by-layer structures of different graphene/metal and graphene/metal oxide as electrodes for supercapacitors
31 Hsuan-An Chen (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Enhanced Responsivities of InAs/GaSb Type-II Superlattice Infrared Photodetectors with Graphene Transparent Electrodes
32 Kuan-Chao Chen (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Enhanced Field-Effect Mobility of MoS2 Transistors Prepared by Chemical Vapor Deposition with Low-Power Oxygen Plasma Treatment
71 Zongping Chen (Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Germany)
Precision synthesis of graphene nanoribbons by ambient-pressure chemical vapour deposition
111 Martina Chiacchiaretta (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy)
Impact of graphene - related materials on primary glial cells
33 Byung Doo Chin (Dankook University, Korea)
Foldable Circuits and Organic Electronic Devices based on Solution-processed Graphene Composites and Inkjet Printing
34 Matthew Cole (Cambridge University, United Kingdom)
Field Emission Applications of Graphene
66 Domenica Convertino (Italian Institute of Technology, Italy)
Multilayer graphene on SiC(000-1): thermal decomposition versus chemical vapor deposition
126 Natalia Cortés (Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile)
Thermoelectric coefficients and quantum interference effects in trilayer silicene flakes
112 Livia Elena Crica (University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania)
Influence of carboxyl graphene on the physical, chemical and biological performances of polysulfone porous films
35 George Deligeorgis (Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, Greece)
A technology for graphene based millimeter wave integrated circuits
36 Duc Anh Dinh (Italian institute of technology, Italy)
Binder-free graphene film via solvent exchange process as anode in Li-ion battery
127 Simon Dubois (Institut de la Matière Condensée et des Nanosciences, Belgium)
Dirac electrons in constant magnetic fields: a tight-binding description of Landau levels and Hofstadter butterflies
37 Mohamed Elsayed (HFE - RWTH Aachen, Germany)
Millimetre-wave, Graphene-based power detector
38 Matilde Eredia (Institut de science et d´ingénierie supramoléculaires (ISIS), France)
Graphene via electrochemical exfoliation: towards application in electronics
39 Vladimir Ermolov (VTT, Finland)
Usage of printed graphene antennas in UHF RFID transponders
3 Ekaterina Fedorovskaya (Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Russia)
Polyaniline/Graphene Hybrid Material for the Electrochemical Supercapacitors
72 Djawhar Ferrah (CEA, France)
Toward new plasma procedure for efficient cleaning of high quality CVD graphene transferred onto SiO2/Si substrate
4 Alberto Fina (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)
Graphene nanoplatelets for thermally conductive polymer nanocomposites via melt reactive extrusion
40 Teresa Galan (ICFO, Spain)
Doping control of graphene using Self-assembled monolayers
5 Nadia Garino (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia CSHR, Italy)
Microwave-assisted synthesis of novel catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction starting from graphene oxide and metallic precursors
73 Zewdu M. Gebeyehu (Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Spain)
Effect of Temperature on the Growth of Single Crystalline Monolayer Graphene by Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)
41 Marco Angelo Giambra (Università degli studi di Palermo, Italy)
Microwave performances dependence on geometry for Graphene Field Effect Transistors (GFETs)
6 Zahra Gohari Bajestani (Sabanci University, Turkey)
Improving hydrogen storage of graphene at room temperature with transition metal (Ti, Fe, Ni, Cu) functionalization
113 Vincent Gomes (The University of Sydney, Australia)
Multiphoton Fluorescence Spectroscopy in Conjunction with Activated Graphene Quantum Dots for Monitoring Tissue Regeneration and Drug Delivery
74 Niall Goodeal (UCL, United Kingdom)
The growth of porphyrin-based two-dimensional covalent organic frameworks (2D-COFs) via the Schiff base reaction
128 Karina Andrea Guerrero Becerra (IIT, Italy)
Resonant tunneling and the quasiparticle lifetime in graphene/ boron nitride / graphene heterostructures
75 Niloofar Haghighian (University of Genova, Italy)
Exploiting molecule-surface interaction to exfoliate few layers graphene in liquid
42 Mark Heath (University of Exeter, United Kingdom)
Thermoacoustic generation in graphene field-effect transistors
76 Ikpyo Hong (Research Institute of Industrial Science & Technology, Korea)
Graphene Nanoplatelets derived from the Spheroidal Graphite
77 Ida Marie Høiaas (NTNU, Norway)
Graphene-Si(111) thin film heterostructure by aluminum-induced crystallization
7 Kun-Ping Huang (ITRI, Taiwan)
The Vertical Graphene Sheets as the Electrodes of Supercapacitor
114 Mariana Ionita (University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania)
Graphene Oxide Reinforced Gelatin–Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) Biomaterials as Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering
43 Kavitha Kalavoor Gopalan (ICFO, Spain)
Pyro-resistive infrared detector using graphene on LiNbO3
78 Fumito Kemuriyama (Akita Prefectural University, Japan)
Reduced graphene oxide films produced from graphene oxide under an oscillating electric field around y-axis on x-z plane
44 Mustaque Ali Khan (Indian Institute of Science, India)
Improved Infrared Photodetection by Reduced Graphene Oxide
79 Dong Chul Kim (CrayoNano AS, Norway)
Investigation of graphene growth on platinium by chemical vapor deposition
115 Jeong Beom Kim (UNIST, Korea)
Human induced pluripotent stem cell on DAS nanocrystalline graphene for feeder-free culture system
80 Jiyoung Kim (University of Texas at Dallas, USA)
Low-k organic dielectric engineering for graphene field effect transistors (GFETs)
45 Jung Ho Kim (SKKU, Korea)
Facile Synthesis of SnS-SnS2 Heterostructure p-n Diode
46 Ki-Ju kim (Seoul National University, Korea)
Enhancement of electrical property of graphene by atomic layer deposition of Ru
8 Kwang Bum Kim (Yonsei University, Korea)
One Pot Synthesis of Graphene-based Nanocomposites for Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices
47 Sung-Ryong Kim (Korea National University of Transportation, Korea)
Synthesis and Characterization of Composites using Hybrid Fillers of SiC Microparticle and SiC Nanoparticle Grafted Graphene Oxide
81 Taewoo Kim (Seoul National University, Korea)
Autonomous Graphene Vessel for Collecting Liquid Body of Spilled Oil
116 Dmitry Kireev (Institute of Bioelectronics (PGI-8/ICS-8), Forschungszentrum Juelich, Germany)
From rigid to flexible: graphene-based extracellular sensors
9 Alexey Klechikov (Umea University, Sweden)
Hydrogen storage in high surface area graphene scaffolds.
82 Marius Knapp (Fraunhofer IAF, Germany)
Floating transfer optimization of large-area chemical vapor deposition graphene on AlN as advanced electrodes for bulk acoustic wave devices
129 Alessandro Kovtun (ISOF, Italy)
Electrical behavior of reduced graphene oxide thin films. Interplay of lateral size and chemical composition of single sheets.
117 Melanie Kucki (Empa - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Material Science and Technology, Switzerland)
One but not the same: Uptake of graphene oxide by Caco-2 cells is dependent on cell morphology and topography
130 Zakhar Kudrynskyi (The University of Nottingham, United Kingdom)
Magnetic and semiconducting properties in van der Waals InSe layered crystals incorporating transition metals
118 Chia Tzu Kuo (National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan)
High sensitivity surface plasmon resonance bio-chip detect female cancer Indicator protein
83 Satyam Ladva (UCL, United Kingdom)
Carbon Nitride Thin Film Materials: A new method for deposition of large area thin films of crystalline carbon nitride onto any substrate at room temperature
10 Emanuele Lago (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia IIT, Italy)
Graphene-polycarbonate composites: tailoring electrical and mechanical properties
23 Nadhira Bensaada Laidani (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy)
Storing Hydrogen in graphene based materials
48 Alexander Lebedev (Ioffe Institute, Russia)
Gas- and bio-sensors based of graphene, produced by thermal destruction of SiC substrates
49 Jeong Seok Lee (Seoul National University, Korea)
High Performance CNT Point Emitter with Electrical and Thermal Interfacial Graphene Layer
50 Jooho Lee (Samsung Electronics, Korea)
DNA-Gated Graphene Nanopore FETs
11 Seung Yong Lee (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea)
Nitrogen-doped Graphene for Supercapacitor Application with High-qualified Graphene
51 Pierre Legagneux (Thales R&T, France)
High frequency photodetection and optoelectronic mixing in CVD graphene
131 Jian Xiang Lian (UMONS, Belgium)
Modeling charge transport in the stripped graphene surface delineated by sp³ defects
52 Chaikarn Liewhiran (Chiang Mai University, Thailand)
Highly Sensitive and Selective Room Temperature NO2 Sensor Based on Ohmic Metal-Semiconductor Interfaces of Electrolytically Exfoliated Graphene/Flame-Made SnO2 Composite Films
84 Dan Liu (IFM, Deakin University, Australia)
Large-scale synthesis of boron nitride based hybrid nanosheets for water cleaning
53 Xiaochi Liu (SKKU Advanced Institute of Nano Technology, Korea)
MoS2 lateral tunnel diode formed by chemical doping
85 Helge Lux (Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau, Germany)
Ultra-fast synthesis of Graphene on poly-crystalline metal foils
132 Patrycja Lydzba (Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland)
Monolayer and bilayer graphene in the presence of a strong magnetic field: FQHE
119 George Machado Jr. (INL, Portugal)
Study of the functionalization of graphene surfaces for biosensing applications
86 Firozeh Mansourkhani (University of Tehran, Iran)
Facile synthesis of palladium nanoparticles decorated nitrogen doped graphene and their catalytic study for acetylene hydrogenation in excess ethylene
12 Beatriz Martin-Garcia (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy)
Photovoltaic Applications of Colloidal Quantum Dot-Reduced Graphene Oxide Hybrid Materials
120 Evgeny Mazin (Graphene Materials LLC, Russia)
Safety Assessment in Using PolyGraphene During Pre-Clinical Tests of the Enterosorption.
87 Enrique Mejía-Ospino (Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia)
Synthesis and characterization of nanocomposite of RGO@Ag@Au for Photocatalytic degradation of Rhodamine B
133 Joaquim Mendes (Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Brazil)
Magnetoresistance and spin-to-charge-current conversion in yttrium iron garnet-graphene hybrid structure
54 Wolfgang Mertin (Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Electrical contacts in graphene devices - 2D vs. 1D contact architecture
88 Giacomo Messina (DIIES - University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Italy)
Highly efficient growth conditions for monolayer graphene films by ethanol chemical vapor deposition: observation of the initial growth stages
89 Alessio Miranda (Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Current annealing recovery from electron beam induced damages in suspended graphene
13 Nicola Mirotta (ISOF-CNR, Italy)
Thermal and electrical properties of graphene-based thermoset composites: a study on the role of graphene nano-platelets morphology
90 Neeraj Mishra (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy)
Rapid and catalyst-free van der Waals epitaxy of graphene on hBN
91 Norani Muti Mohamed (Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia)
Tuneable layers of Three Dimensional Graphene Structure Grown using Chemical Vapour Deposition
92 Nunzio Motta (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)
Effect of substrate polishing on the growth of graphene on 3C-SiC(111)/Si(111) by high temperature annealing
93 Roey Nadiv (Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)
Graphene Nanoribbon - Polymer Composites: The Critical Role of Edge Functionalization
14 Leyla Najafi (Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy)
Exfoliated MoS2 flakes as hole transport layer in perovskite-based photovoltaics
15 Angeloclaudio Nale (Università di Padova, Italy)
Enhanced hydrogen release properties of light metal-borohydrides mixed with Reduced Graphene Oxide
0 Gabriele Navickaite (ICFO, Spain)
Measuring the atmosphere’s night glow with hybrid graphene – quantum dot photodetector at room temperature
94 Shannon Notley (FlexeGRAPH (Australian National University), Australia)
FlexeGRAPH: Graphene and 2D Materials Production at The Australian National University
16 David Novel (University of Trento, Italy)
Graphene composite electrospun fibres: mechanical and morphological characterization
55 Anna Katharina Ott (Cambridge Graphene Centre, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)
Carbon based resistive random access memories with graphene electrodes
56 Anna Katharina Ott (Cambridge Graphene Centre, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)
Graphene as protective coating for ultra-high storage density hard disks. (Non evaluable poster)
17 Gioele Pagot (University of Padova, Italy)
Hydrothermal Synthesis of Vanadium Sulfate supported on Graphene Oxide as Novel Cathode for Magnesium Ion Batteries
57 Yong Ju Park (Yonsei University, Korea)
Large-area, Highly Sensitive MoS2/Graphene Tactile Sensors and Their Performance for Electronic Skin Applications
58 John Parthenios (FORTH, Greece)
Polymer/ graphene "pastry" for flexible touch screens
59 Francisco Pasadas (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain)
Large-signal model of graphene field-effect transistors
95 Iwona Pasternak (ITME, Poland)
Large-area high-quality graphene on Ge(001)/Si(001) substrates
96 Josphat Phiri (Aalto University, Finland)
High Concentration Surfactant-Polymer Stabilized Few-layer Graphene Sheets
97 Martina Pittori (CNR IMM, Italy)
Improving the cleanliness of graphene grown on copper by chemical vapor deposition for biosensing applications
60 Maria Politou (KU LEUVEN - IMEC, Belgium)
Transition Metal Contact Studies on Single- and Multilayer Graphene Ribbons
98 Si Qin (Deakin University, Australia)
N-doped Mesoporous Molybdenum Disulfide Nanosheets: Synthesis and Application in Lithium Ion Batteries
18 Rita Rizzoli (CNR - IMM Institute, Italy)
Graphene foams as new cathode and anode materials for microbial fuel cells
134 Luis Rosales (Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa MAria, Chile)
Silicene-based spin filter device: Impact of random vacancies.
135 Grzegorz Rut (Jagiellonian University, Poland)
Pseudodiffusive magnetotransport in bilayer graphene Corbino disks
19 Jaime Sanchez (IMDEA ENERGY, Spain)
Boosting energy storage performance of commercial Fe3O4 Nanoparticles by facile anchoring on rGO Nanosheets
20 Saveria Santangelo (Mediterranea University, DICEAM, Italy)
Electro-Spun Self-Standing CoOx/C/Graphene Mats as Binder-Free Anodes for Flexible Li-ion Batteries: Performances and Perspectives
99 Andrea Maria Scaparro (Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Italy)
CVD growth and characterization of Graphene on Ge(100) substrates
21 Dana Schonvogel (NEXT ENERGY EWE-Forschungszentrum f. Energietechnologie e. V. , Germany)
Graphene-Based Nanocomposites as Catalyst Support in High Temperature PEM Fuel Cells
100 Liurong Shi (Peking University , China)
Direct synthesis of few-layer graphene on NaCl crystals
22 Mohamed Shuaib (Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia)
Effect of TiO2 /graphene nanocomposite in multilayer photoanode on the performance of dye sensitized solar cell
101 Peter Siffalovic (Institute of Physics, Slovakia)
Copper growth on graphene - in situ X-ray scattering study
121 Marianna Sohova (Institute of Physics, Slovakia)
Confocal Raman spectroscopy study of intracellular localization of graphene oxide nanoplatform under development for targeted delivery to cancer cells
61 Davide Spirito (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy)
Light Detection with Nanocrystal Sensitized Graphene
102 Karlheinz Strobl (CVD Equipment Corporation, USA)
Multi-Process Graphene-CNT-TMD R&D Platform
62 Jirasak Sukunta (Chiang Mai University, Thailand)
Electrolytically Exfoliated Graphene/Flame-spray-made Vanadium-doped SnO2 Composite Films for Nitric Oxide Sensing
24 Haiyan Sun (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) , Italy)
Influence of graphene flakes morphology on the lithium ion storage capability
122 Kiran Kumar Tadi (TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Science, India)
Computational and Impedimetric Studies on Sub-picomolar Ammonia Sensing Using Fluorographene
25 Babak Taheri (Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy)
Sprayed mesoporous graphene doped TiO2 film as an electron transport layer for perovskite photovoltaic devices
63 Zhenjun Tan (Peking University, China)
Artificial Stacking for Large Twisted Bilayer Graphene Domain with Van Hove Singularity
64 Elahe Sadat Torabi (Shiraz University, Iran)
Design of a Broad-band Tunable Absorber Using Geraphene-Metal Metasurfaces
103 Cristina Varone (TU DELFT, The Netherlands)
Nucleation and growth of graphene
136 Tobias Völkl (Universität Regensburg, Germany)
Nonlocal resistance in plasma hydrogenated graphene
123 Shih-Han Wang (I-Shou University, Taiwan)
Iridium Oxide Nanoparticle Decorated Reduced Graphene Oxide for Reduction Sensing Hydrogen Peroxide
65 Wei Wei (IEMN, France)
Small Gate Length Microwave Graphene Transistor on Kapton Substrate
104 Igor Wlasny (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Substrate interaction in graphene on hexagonal boron nitride
105 Yanfei Yang (National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA)
Synthesis of millimeter-size monolayer epitaxial graphene with uniform strain and record magnetotransport
124 Yanlian Yang (National Center for Nanosci and Technology, China)
The Difunctional Features of Grapheme Oxide in Amyloid Aggregation
106 Seok Joon Yun (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
The Facile way for converting chalcogen in transition metal dichalcogenides
137 Haijing Zhang (Hong Kong University of Sci & Tech, Hong Kong SAR)
Two Dimensional Anderson Mobility Edge in Antidot Graphene
26 Long Zhang (Institution of Chemical Materials, China)
Enhanced photocatalytic Performance of TiO2 nano-rods and nano-crystals using graphene as a cocatalyst
125 Yingfu Zheng (Jinan Shengquan Group Share-holding Co., Ltd, China)
Biomass graphene nanosheets prepared based on group coordination assembly method using corn cobs cellulose and its application in Healfiber®
107 Jingyuan Zhou (Peking University, China)
Synthesis of Graphdiyne Nanowalls using Glaser-Hay Coupling Reaction
138 / 138

Thursday & Friday (136) - Alphabetical order

Author & Title Abstract
138 Mohsen Aadeli (Free University of Berlin, Germany)
Zwitterionic Graphene Sheets with the Switchable Bacterial Interactions
223 Leili Abdollahi Shiramin (UGent-imec, Belgium)
Broadband Double layer Graphene Switch Integrated on Silicon and Silicon Nitride Waveguide
224 Thomas Aktor (DTU, Denmark)
Graphene nanoribbons with sublattice-asymmetric doping
139 Ahmad Al Shboul (Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada)
Graphene dispersions in alkanes: toward fast drying conducting inks
140 Beatriz Alonso (Graphenea, Spain)
Effect of thermal treatment on the electrical and thermal conductivity of the graphene oxide
141 Tomás Alonso-Lanza (Centro de Fisica de Materiales CFM-MPC CSIC-UPV/EHU, Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC), Spain)
Chemical Bonding of Transition-metal Co13 Clusters with Graphene
225 Rafael Amatte Bizao (University of Trento, Italy)
Fracture patterns of graphene sheets under ballistic penetration
186 Giacomo Argentero (University of Vienna, Austria)
Analysis of graphene-hBN heterostructures by high-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy with direction-sensitive detection of scattered electrons
187 Alois Arrighi (ICN2/ICREA, Spain)
Heat transport in two-dimensional heterostructures studied using Raman thermometry
142 Chiara Ascione (University of Naples Federico II, Italy)
Graphene and reduced graphene oxide based coatings to improve moisture barrier performance of PET bottles.
188 Richard Balog (Aarhus University, Denmark)
Tunable bandgap in graphene induced by well-ordered H structures
189 Federica Bianco (NEST, Istituto Nanoscienze - CNR and Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy)
Coherent absorption of light by graphene and other optical conducting surfaces in realistic on-substrate configurations.
143 Giuseppe Valerio Bianco (CNR-NANOTEC, Italy)
Scalable methodology for the direct synthesis of atomically thin WS2 films
226 Blanca Biel (University of Granada, Spain)
Defect Fingerprints and Reactivity by Ab Initio-based STM and AFM Simulations in Single Layer MoS2
144 Paula Brooksby (University of Canterbury, New Zealand)
Capacitance of Few-Layer Graphene Electrodes Modified by Spontaneous Aryldiazonium Chemistry
227 Marica Broseghini (University of Trento, Italy)
Planetary Ball Milling Model for optimal 2-D Materials Exfoliation
145 Anton Brown (KU Leuven, Belgium)
Covalent modification of graphene and graphite using diazonium chemistry: tunable grafting and nano-manipulation
190 Kristin Brunner (Physical Chemistry I Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany)
Photophysical interaction of liquid-phase exfoliated graphite with zinc phthalocyanines in aqueous solution and methanol
228 Pawel Bugajny (Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland)
Analysis of symmetry in the graphene quantum dots with different edges
171 Andrei Bylinkin (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia)
Quantum-cascade photon gain in tunnel-coupled graphene layers
146 Qiran Cai (Deakin University, Australia)
Molecule-Induced Conformational Change in Two-Dimensional Nanomaterials with Enhanced Surface Adsorption
229 Gaetano Calogero (Center for Nanostructured Graphene, Denmark)
The influence of the substrate on chemical identification of dopant atoms in graphene with AFM
230 Vito Dario Camiola (CNR-NANO, Italy)
Coherency and anharmonicity in flexural phonons of graphene: a simulation study
231 Valentina Cantatore (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
Chemical functionalization of Boron Doped Graphene for novel composite materials: application to catalytic nitric oxide reduction.
232 Virginia Carnevali (Università di Trieste, Italy)
Defects in epitaxial graphene on Ni(111): first-principles simulations
233 Matteo Carrega (SPIN-CNR, Italy)
Functional approach to energy-exchange, application to the spin boson model for weak and strong coupling.
191 Enzo Cazzanelli (University of Calabria, Italy)
Micro-Raman investigation of the coupling to the metal substrate for graphene monolayers deposited by CVD on Cu foil
234 Ferney A. Chaves R. (Universida Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain)
The role of the Fermi level pinning in gate tunable graphene/semiconductor junctions: Barristor
192 Chang-Hsiao Chen (Feng Chia University, Taiwan)
Bandgap tunability of CVD monolayer WSe2 flakes by atomic force microscopy
172 Nan-Fu Chiu (National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan)
Quantitative real-time and tunable band gap of deoxidization of graphene oxide using electrochemical surface plasmon resonance technology
235 Enrique Colomés (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain)
Optical versus quantum trajectories in the 2D Dirac equation: Targeting high-frequency performance and noise in graphene transistors
193 Eunice Cunha (Institute for Polymers and Composites / University of Minho, Portugal)
Aqueous suspensions of few-layer graphene for composite thin films
236 Milan Damnjanovic (University of Belgrade, Serbia)
Electron-phonon interaction anomalies in graphene and other layers
237 Mark Danovich (National Graphene Institute, University of Manchester, United Kingdom)
Fast relaxation of photo-excited carriers in 2D transition metal dichalcogenides
147 Lakshya Daukiya (IRTG/Soft Matter Science, University of Freiburg and IS2M Mulhouse, France)
Covalent functionalization by cycloaddition reactions of pristine, defect-free graphene
194 Elena del Corro (J Heyrovsky Intitute of Physical Chemistry of the ASCR, Czech Republic)
The role of interlayer distance in the electronic properties of twisted bilayed graphene
238 Daniela Di Felice (Service de Physique de l´Etat Condensé, France)
Structural and electronic properties in the graphene/MoS2 heterostructure
239 Karim Elgammal (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)
Density functional theory calculations of graphene-based humidity and carbon dioxide sensors: effect of silica and sapphire substrates
148 Shi-Yuan Fan (Institute of Electron-optical Science and Technology ,National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan)
Carboxyl-modified graphene oxide be used in early detection of potentially pancreatic cancer
240 Gianluca Fazio (Università di Milano-Bicocca, Italy)
Modelling doped Graphene for the Electrocatalysis of the Oxygen Reduction Reaction (ORR)
241 Pedro C. Feijoo (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain)
A Drift-Diffusion Graphene Field Effect Transistor model to study scaling effects on High Frequency performance
195 Ludek Frank (ISI CAS, Czech Republic)
Ultralow energy SEM and STEM of graphene
242 Antonio Fusco (Biocart S.r.l., Italy)
Application of super-expanded graphite for the treatment of soils contaminated with hydrocarbons
149 Xin Gao (Peking University, China)
Robust Superhydrophobic Foam: A Graphdiyne-based Hierarchical Architecture for Oil/water Separation
196 Michele Gastaldo (Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2), Spain)
Engineering edge structure and electronic properties of graphene nanoislands by Au intercalation
173 Christa Genslein (University of Regensburg, Germany)
Nanohole Arrays Combined with Chemically reduced Graphene Oxide for Sensing
243 Sumit Ghosh (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia)
Wave Packet Dynamics in 2D materials
150 Ivan Gomez (UIS, Colombia)
Adsorption of toxic metal ions onto magnetic graphene oxide
174 Marco Grande (Politecnico di Bari, Italy)
Optically transparent microwave devices based on engineered graphene
197 Jake Greener (The University of Nottingham, United Kingdom)
InSe hybrid heterostructures and nanomechanical probing of the heterostructure interface
244 Roberto Guarino (University of Trento, Italy)
Numerical simulation of the thermal performances of graphene-based lubricants
198 Damien Hanlon (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
Stability Characterisation of Liquid-Exfoliated Black Phosphorus nanosheets
199 Ian Hayward (Renishaw plc, United Kingdom)
Fast Raman imaging of graphene grown on copper
151 Sandra Hernandez Aldave (Swansea University, United Kingdom)
Conductive anion exchange ionomer graphene composite films
175 Niels Hesp (ICFO, Spain)
Can graphene photodetectors break the quantum efficiency limit?
152 Mikel Fernando Hurtado Morales (Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia)
Efficient fluorescence quenching in electrochemically exfoliated graphene decorated with gold nanoparticles
245 Roland Jago (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
Microscopic view on graphene-based photodetectors
247 Sihem Jaziri (Universite de Carthage, Tunisia)
Exciton and trion features in MoS2/WS2 heterobilayer: Theoretical study
246 Sihem Jaziri (Universite de Carthage, Tunisia)
Unusual zero-energy tunneling properties in shifted bilayer graphene
248 Khatuna Kakhiani (Istituto Nanoscienze del Cnr NEST-Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy)
Curvature-dependent chemisorption onto graphene for storage applications: a Density Functional Theory study
200 Jana Kalbacova Vejpravova (Institute of Physics CAS, Czech Republic)
Tuning topography of graphene using monodisperse nanoobjects
201 Hyunmin Kim (DGIST, Korea)
Near Bandgap Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics of MoS2 Studied by Time-Resolved Second Harmonic Generation Microscopy
202 Minjung Kim (Sogang University, Korea)
Raman fingerprints for thickness and crystallographic orientation of WTe2
153 Eva-Maria Kirchner (University of Regensburg, Germany)
Studies of Graphene as Electrode Material for Sensor Applications
203 Marcus Klein (SURAGUS GmbH, Germany)
Electrical Characterization of Large Area Graphene Layers
249 Martin Konôpka (Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia)
Graphene nanoribbons with electrodes attached at their corners
250 Sangkyun Koo (Sangmyung University, Korea)
Microstructure of particulate aggregates in colloidal suspension of carbon nano-particles
251 Pekka Koskinen (University of Jyvaskyla, Finland)
Limits of stability in supported graphene nanoribbons subject to bending
204 Ivan Kupcic (University of Zagreb, Croatia (Hrvatska))
Dynamical conductivity of graphene: the memory function approach
205 Joanna Kutrowska (Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland)
Optical control of charge carrier density in monolayer MoS2 and WS2
176 Khang June Lee (KAIST, Korea)
Uniaxial crumpled graphene structure as a spacer for improving plasmonic coupling
206 Sang Heon Lee (Andong National Unviersity, Korea)
Scan in arbitrary direction using Probe-rotating Atomic Force Microscopy
154 Weiwei Lei (IFM Deakin University, Australia)
Functional Boron Nitride Nanomaterials
155 Rafael Leite Rubim (Centre de recherche Paul-Pascal - CNRS, France)
Confinement of Graphene Oxide Layers
207 Emmanuel Lepleux (CSInstruments, France)
Bimodal HD-KFM and Resiscope Atomic Force Microcopy characterization of bidimensional materials and solar cells.
252 Aurélien Lherbier (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
Electronic and transport properties of two-dimensional conjugated polymer networks
177 Diao Li (Aalto University, Finland)
Linearly polarized ultrafast pulse generation based on black phosphorus
156 Luhua Li (Deakin University, Australia)
Properties and Applications of “White Graphene”
253 Hongsheng Liu (Dalian University of Technology, China)
Point defects in epitaxial silicene on Ag(111) surface
208 John Lombardi (City College of New York, USA)
Ultra-High Raman Enhancement on monolayer MoS2
209 Marianna Lorenzo (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Alkali Metal Adsorption on Freestanding Graphene Observed by Means of LEEPS Microscopy
157 Wen Luo (ICPEES, France)
Graphene-coated oxides studied as support for mono- and bimetallic cobalt catalysts
210 Michele Magnozzi (Università di Genova, Italy)
Thermal annealing of chemical vapor deposited graphene studied with spectroscopic ellipsometry
158 Liqiang Mai (Wuhan University of Technology, China)
One-Dimensional Nanomaterials for Energy Storage
178 Rishi Maiti (University of Brescia, Italy)
Few-layered graphene oxide embedded 1DPhC microcavity for amplified spontaneous emission source
254 Francisca Martin-Vergara (University of Málaga, Spain)
Solitary Wave Interactions in Graphene Superlattices
159 Alessia Matruglio (CNR-IOM, Italy)
Contamination-free suspended graphene structures by a Ti-based transfer method
160 Boitumelo Matsoso (University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa)
Synthesis of h-BN nanodots embedded-graphene hybrid films by atmospheric pressure CVD
255 Riccardo Mazzarello (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
First-principles study of graphene nanoribbons deposited on the topological insulator Sb2Te3
256 Darya Medvedeva (Ural Federal University, Russia)
An exact-diagonalization-based scheme for solving the extended DMFT equations
179 Michele Merano (Università di Padova, Italy)
Fresnel coefficients of a two-dimensional atomic crystal
161 Mona Mirmotallebi (Sharif University of Technology, Iran)
Graphene-based NO2 gas sensor: Synthesis and Characterisation
180 Mario Miscuglio (Italian Institute of Technology, Italy)
Plasmon propagation enhancement in graphene waveguides via antenna design and nanopatterning
257 Fatema Mohamed (Universty of Trieste , Italy)
Growth of nanoparticles on supported graphene: insights from ab-initio calculations
258 Bohayra Mortazavi (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany)
Multiscale modeling of heat transfer in graphene/h-BN polycrystalline heterostructures
211 Ouafi Mouhoub (ONERA-LEM, France)
Sharp structural characterization of G/h-BN heterostructures by HRTEM
259 Marcus Moutinho (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil)
Ab initio calculation of optical absorption in twisted multilayer graphene
260 Viet Hung Nguyen (ICMN/Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
Transport properties through a single grain boundary in graphene systems: strain effects versus lattice symmetry
162 Konstantinos Papagelis (ICEHT-FORTH, Greece)
Doping-induced rhombohedral to Bernal structural transformation in trilayer graphene
163 Hamin Park (KAIST, Korea)
Surface passivation effect on the bias-stress-induced instability of CVD-grown molybdenum disulfide transistor
261 Marta Pelc (Donostia International Physics Centre, Spain)
Electronic Properties of Corrugated Bilayer Graphene
212 Luca Pellegrino (CNR-SPIN, Italy)
Nanotribology of inkjet printed graphene flakes
164 Flavio Pendolino (University of Padova, Italy)
Self-Assembly of Carbon Nanohorn Oxide
213 Van Dong Pham (University Paris Diderot, France)
Electronic interaction between organic molecules and nitrogen-doped graphene
262 Ilya Piterskikh (Ural Federal University, Russia)
First-principle study of functionalized graphene.
181 Aneta Prymaczek (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland)
Energy transfer between plasmon-enhanced up-converting ?-NaYF4:Er3+/Yb3+ nanocrystals to graphene
214 Yue Qi (Center for Nanochemistry (CNC), China)
Controllable Synthesis of Graphene Using Novel Aromatic 1,3,5-Triethynylbenzene Molecules on Rh(111)
165 Huaying Ren (Peking University, China)
Rapid Growth of Large Single-crystal Graphene by Cooperative Passivation Method towards High-quality Film
263 Joaquin Rodriguez-Nieva (MIT, USA)
Berry's Phase and Giant Non-Reciprocity in Graphene Quantum Dots
166 Felix Rösicke (Helmholtz- Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH, Germany)
Transfer of Electrochemically Amino-functionalized Large Area Graphene
264 Marta Saiz Bretín (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
Thermoelectric properties of graphene nanorings
182 Ugo Sassi (Cambridge Graphene Centre, United Kingdom)
Cavity integrated silicon-graphene Schottky photodetectors
167 Soujit Sen Gupta (Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India)
Self-propagated combustion based exfoliation of graphite: A colossal step towards large-scale production of graphene and its application in water desalination
265 Mikkel Settnes (Technical University of Denmark / DTU Nanotech, Denmark)
Valley filtering and splitting using nanobubbles in graphene
266 Stefano Signetti (University of Trento, Italy)
Impact properties and related scalings of single layer graphene, hexagonal boron nitride, and hybrid multilayer 2D nanoarmors
183 Dmitry Svintsov (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technoogy, Russia)
Plasmons in tunnel-coupled graphene layers: backward waves with gain
267 Manfred Taut (Helmholtz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, IFW Dresden, Germany)
Electronic Structure of Stacking-Faults in Graphite
184 Andrea Tomadin (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy)
Accessing phonon polaritons in hyperbolic crystals by ARPES
215 Lianming Tong (Peking University, China)
Raman Enhancement on Anisotropic Two-dimensional Layered Materials
268 Valentina Tozzini (Istituto Nanoscienze - CNR, Italy)
Morphing graphene at the nano-scale: from simulations to applications
269 Cesare Tresca (University of L´Aquila, Italy)
Novel Ba doped graphene reconstruction: a First-principles study
216 Manoj Tripathi (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy)
Tribological influence due to topological disorder in graphene
185 Magdalena Twardowska (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland)
Graphene vs. reduced graphene oxide: fluorescence quenching in hybrid nanostructures.
270 Gerard Verbiest (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
Interplay between nanometer-scale strain variations and externally applied strain in graphene
217 Michel Volland (Physical Chemistry I Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg , Germany)
Novel non-covalent electron donor-acceptor system based on a push-pull conjugate and exfoliated graphite
218 Flavio Wicki (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Visualization of unoccupied states in the electronic structure of freestanding graphene by means of low-energy electron point source microscopy
219 Kamil Wiwatowski (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland)
Energy transfer depends on the number of graphene layers
271 Ying Wu (University of Bath, United Kingdom)
Self consistent charge and dipole density functional tight binding method and its application to carbon-based systems
168 Zhenyuan Xia (ISOF, Italy)
Covalent grafting of self-assembled aryl diazonium salt on graphene via electrochemical reduction
169 Qin Xie (Peking University, China)
Fabrication of Chemical Graphene Nanoribbons via Edge-selective Covalent Modification
220 Qirong Yao (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
Growth of Germanium on Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite
272 Dawei Zhai (Ohio University, USA)
Dynamical energy gap engineering in graphene via oscillating out-of-plane deformations
273 Zhen Zhan (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain)
Improving the intrinsic cut-off frequency of graphene transistors without channel length scaling: going beyond the quasi-static approximation
170 Qi Zhang (Tsinghua University, China)
Two-Dimensional MoS2/WS2 Heterostructure Synthesized from WO3-x/MoO3-x Core-Shelled Nanowires
221 Yanfeng Zhang (Center for Nanochemistry , China)
Monolayer MoS2 and MoS2/Graphene heterostructures synthesized on Au foils by chemical vapor deposition method
222 Xiebo Zhou (Center for Nanochemistry, China)
Periodic Quasiparticle Energy Band Tunability in Striped MoS2 Superstructures
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