Opportunities are now available for industrial, academic and governmental organizations to share common objectives and drive the commercialization and the know-how of graphene.

Conference sponsorship is an effective platform to build relationships, to generate brand awareness and engage the participants. A number of sponsorship options are available, including placement of your logo and advertising material on delegate bags, conference dinner or coffee breaks, student’s grants, to name just a few.

Sponsorship opportunities are designed to meet your business development goals and objectives.

Graphene 2016 offers a tremendous opportunity to market to one of the largest 2016 European gatherings of Graphene.

As a sponsor you position your company/institution with a clearly noticeable presence and also increase your profile in a new industry. By sponsoring at Graphene 2016 you have access to a unique network and business opportunities.

The organizing committee of Graphene 2016 offers the following sponsorship opportunities:

cuadradito      Diamond
cuadradito      Platinum
cuadradito      Gold
cuadradito      Silver
cuadradito      Bronze