Brokerage event

Within the framework of the Graphene 2020 VIRTUAL International Conference & Exhibition, Phantoms Foundation is pleased to organize a Brokerage event (one-to-one meetings) on October 22, 2020 and pretends to encourage companies, universities and research centers to foster technical cooperation in the field.

 Main topics
- Applications (gaz sensors, composites, nanoelect. devices..)
- Characterization techniques (AFM, SPM, TEM, etc.)
- Chemistry of 2D Materials
- Composites & Printing
- Devices for Electronic Applications
- Graphene Coatings
- Graphene Derivatives
- Graphene Polymer nanocomposites
- Growth, synthesis techniques and integration methods
- Health and Medical Applications
- Magnetism and Spintronics
- Molecular, chemical and bio sensing
- Nanoelectromechanical systems
- Nanophotonics and optoelectronics
- Other 2 dimensional materials
- Photonics and Plasmonics
- Quantum transport
- Theory and Simulation
- Thin Films & Devices
- Toxicity
 Why participate?

• Promote you products, technologies and know-how
• Find commercial and technology partners
• Discuss new project ideas


Free of charge for those attending Graphene 2020 International Conference & Exhibition.
If you wish to attend only the brokerage event, contact the organizers at: info@grapheneconf.com