Plenary |
Keynotes |
Invited |
|  |
Stéphane Berciaud |
France |
Cinzia Casiraghi |
University of Manchester |
UK |
Suk-Ho Choi |
Kyung Hee University |
South Korea |
Aldo Di Carlo |
University of Rome "Tor Vergata" |
Italy |
Ado Jorio |
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais |
Brazil |
Olga Kazakova |
UK |
|  |
Mario Lanza |
Soochow University |
China |
Cécilia Ménard-Moyon |
France |
Christelle Monat |
École Centrale de Lyon |
France |
Adam Wei Tsen |
University of Waterloo |
Canada |
Bernhard Urbaszek |
Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier / CNRS |
France |
Hyunsoo Yang |
National University of Singapore |
Singapore |
Keynotes/Invited Parallel workshops |
|  |
Hiroki Ago |
Kyushu University |
Japan |
Invited W5 |
Sara Barja |
Spain |
Invited W6 |
Julien Barjon |
Université de Versailles St-Quentin-En-Yvelines |
France |
Invited W5 |
Lapo Bogani |
University of Oxford |
UK |
Invited W4 |
Helene Bouchiat |
Universite Paris SUD / CNRS |
France |
Invited W4 |
Peter Bøggild |
DTU Physics |
Denmark |
Invited W1 |
|  |
Marcos H. Diniz Guimaraes |
University of Groningen |
The Netherlands |
Invited W4 |
James H. Edgar |
Kansas State University |
Invited W5 |
Pascal Gehring |
UClouvain |
Belgium |
Invited W6 |
Mark-Oliver Goerbig |
CNRS, Université Paris-Sud |
France |
Invited W3 |
Stephan Hofmann |
University of Cambridge |
UK |
Invited W5 |
Cedric Huyghebaert |
Belgium |
Invited W5 |
|  |
Alex Jouvray |
Aixtron |
UK |
Invited W1 |
Satender Kataria |
RWTH Aachen University |
Germany |
Invited W1 |
Sang Ouk Kim |
South Korea |
Invited W2 |
Frank Koppens |
Spain |
Invited W5 |
Mikito Koshino |
Osaka University |
Japan |
Invited W3 |
Hidekazu Kurebayashi |
UK |
Invited W4 |
|  |
Andrea Locatelli |
Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste |
Italy |
Invited W6 |
Annick Loiseau |
France |
Invited W5 |
Cecilia Mattevi |
Imperial College London |
UK |
Invited W1 |
James McIver |
Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, CFEL |
Germany |
Invited W4 |
Yazyev Oleg |
Switzerland |
Invited W3 |
Vincent Renard |
Université Grenoble Alpes / CEA |
France |
Invited W6 |
|  |
Joshua A. Robinson |
Pennsylvania State University |
Invited W1 |
Marco Romagnoli |
Italy |
Invited W5 |
Benjamin Sacépé |
Institut Néel - CNRS |
France |
Invited W4 |
Paolo Samorì |
Université de Strasbourg |
France |
Invited W2 |
Pierre Seneor |
Université Paris-Sud / CNRS |
France |
Invited W5 |
Bérangère Toury |
Université de Lyon |
France |
Invited W5 |
|  |
Andrey Turchanin |
Friedrich Schiller University Jena |
Germany |
Invited W2 |
Jamie Warner |
University of Oxford |
UK |
Invited W6 |
Keynotes/Invited Industrial Forum |
| |  |
Andrea Ferrari |
Cambridge Graphene Centre, University of Cambridge |
UK |
Keynote |
Jeehwan Kim |
Keynote |
Zhongfan Liu |
Peking University |
China |
Keynote |
|  |
Rezal Khairi Ahmad |
NanoMalaysia Berhad |
Malaysia |
Invited |
Gerd Bacher |
University of Duisburg-Essen |
Germany |
Invited |
Terrance Barkan |
The Graphene Council |
Invited |
Francesco Bonaccorso |
BeDimensional |
Italy |
Invited |
Paolo Bondavalli |
Thales Research & Technology |
France |
Invited |
Marc Chaigneau |
France |
Invited |
|  |
Tanushree H. Choudhury |
Pennsylvania State University |
Invited |
Matt Cole |
University of Bath |
UK |
Invited |
Camilla Coletti |
Italy |
Invited |
Samaneh Etemadi |
Abalonyx |
Norway |
Invited |
Frank Koppens |
Spain |
Invited |
Joung Hoon Lee |
Standard Graphene |
South Korea |
Invited |
To be confirmed | |
|  |
Martin R. Lohe |
Sixonia Tech GmbH |
Germany |
Invited |
Leonel Marques |
Grapheal |
France |
Invited |
Arben Merkoci |
Spain |
Invited |
Iwona Pasternak |
ENT and WUT |
Poland |
Invited |
Andrew J. Pollard |
National Physical Laboratory |
UK |
Invited |
Shintaro Sato |
Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. |
Japan |
Invited |
|  |
Ravi Sundaram |
Oxford Instruments |
UK |
Invited |
Honoré Tsotetzo |
Graphene Production |
France |
Invited |
Richard Van Rijn |
Applied Nanolayers B.V. |
The Netherlands |
Invited |
Aravind Vijayaraghavan |
The University of Manchester |
UK |
Invited |
Johan Ek Weis |
SIO Grafen |
Sweden |
Invited |
Shan Zou |
National Research Council |
Canada |
Invited |
|  |
Ahmad Zubair |
Invited |
Amaia Zurutuza |
Graphenea |
Spain |
Invited |
Andre Geim (University of Manchester, UK)
Two-Dimensional Voids and Their Unusual Properties
Pablo Jarillo-Herrero (MIT, USA)
The magic of moiré quantum matter
F. Duncan M. Haldane (Princeton University, USA)
Quantum Hall effect and topological states of matter
Eva Andrei (Rutgers University, USA)
Flat Bands and Correlated Electronic States in Two Dimensional Atomic Crystals
Feng Wang (University of California Berkeley, USA)
Engineering Correlation and Topology in Two-Dimensional Moire Superlattices
INVITED - Plenary |
Stéphane Berciaud (IPCMS / CNRS, France)
Atomically thin heterostructures made from graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides: emerging photonic and opto-electronic building blocks
Cinzia Casiraghi (University of Manchester, UK)
Water based and defect-free 2D Inks: from printed electronics to biomedical applications
Suk-Ho Choi (Kyung Hee University, South Korea)
2D-materials-based heterostructures and device applications
Aldo Di Carlo (University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy)
Graphene-Perovskite photovoltaics
Ado Jorio (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil)
Nano-optics in two-dimensional systems
Olga Kazakova (NPL, UK)
Graphene sensors for ultrasensitive environmental monitoring
Mario Lanza (Soochow University, China)
Wafer-scale integration of 2D materials in high-density memristive crossbar arrays for artificial neural networks
Cécilia Ménard-Moyon (CNRS, France)
Chemistry on graphene oxide:how to control functionalization and biodegradation?
Christelle Monat (École Centrale de Lyon, France)
Hybrid chip-based nonlinear optical devices using graphene
Adam Wei Tsen (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Tunneling Probe of 2D Magnetism
Bernhard Urbaszek (Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier / CNRS, France)
Engineering optical transitions in MoS2 nanostructures
Hyunsoo Yang (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Spin devices using layered topological materials
KEYNOTES/INVITED - Parallel workshops |
Hiroki Ago (Kyushu University, Japan)
Highly Controlled CVD Synthesis of Monolayer and Multilayer h-BN for 2D Materials Applications
Sara Barja (UPV/EHU, Spain)
An atomic-scale look at point defects in truly 2D semiconductors
Julien Barjon (Université de Versailles St-Quentin-En-Yvelines, France)
BN materials for 2D devices : learnings from optical properties
Lapo Bogani (University of Oxford, UK)
Quantum Manipulation of Molecular Graphene
Helene Bouchiat (Universite Paris SUD / CNRS, France)
Quantum interferences and spin orbit interactions in Graphene/TMD heterostructures
Peter Bøggild (DTU Physics, Denmark)
Growth, transfer and quality control of 2D materials
Marcos H. Diniz Guimaraes (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
Controlling Spin-Orbit Torques Through Symmetry
using Van der Waals Materials
James H. Edgar (Kansas State University, USA)
Solution Growth and Properties of Monoisotopic Hexagonal Boron Nitride Single Crystals
Pascal Gehring (UClouvain, Belgium)
Measuring the local thermoelectric properties of graphene
Mark-Oliver Goerbig (CNRS, Université Paris-Sud, France)
Unveiling the Berry curvature in the spectral properties in 2D transition-metal dichalcogenides
Stephan Hofmann (University of Cambridge, UK)
On the Fundamental Mechanisms that underpin CVD Technology for Atomically Thin 2D Films
Cedric Huyghebaert (IMEC, Belgium)
Platforms to develop 2D materials integrated with Si
Alex Jouvray (Aixtron, UK)
Scaling up CVD Graphene and TMDC production
Satender Kataria (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
When well known 2D (Ms G)and 3D (Mr Si) materials meet
Sang Ouk Kim (KAIST, South Korea)
Nanoscale Assembly of 2D Materials for Energy & Environmental Applications
Frank Koppens (ICREA/ICFO, Spain)
Stacking and twisting 2D materials for quantum nano-optoelectronics
Mikito Koshino (Osaka University, Japan)
Electron and phonon properties of twisted bilayer graphene
Hidekazu Kurebayashi (UCL, UK)
Controlling magnetism and exchange interaction mechanisms in van der Waals ferromagnet Cr2Ge2Te6
Andrea Locatelli (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste, Italy)
Photoemission electron spectromicroscopy of complex interfaces: probing 2D materials and the support underneath
Annick Loiseau (ONERA, France)
Towards synthesis and characterization of large scale BN films
Cecilia Mattevi (Imperial College London, UK)
Precise synthesis of 2D crystals for energy applications
James McIver (Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, CFEL, Germany)
Light-induced anomalous Hall effect in graphene
Yazyev Oleg (EPLF, Switzerland)
Novel structural and electronic phases of 2D transition metal dichalcogenides
Vincent Renard (Université Grenoble Alpes / CEA, France)
Measuring graphene’s Berry phase at B = 0 T
Joshua A. Robinson (Pennsylvania State University, USA)
Scaled Synthesis and Doping of 2D Semiconductors
Marco Romagnoli (CNIT, Italy)
Graphene Photonics for High Data Rate Modulators and Detectors
Benjamin Sacépé (Institut Néel - CNRS, France)
Helical quantum Hall phase in graphene on SrTiO3
Paolo Samorì (Université de Strasbourg, France)
Multi-responsive 2D materials :
from multi-functional opto-electronic devices to multi-analyte sensors
Pierre Seneor (Université Paris-Sud / CNRS, France)
2D Materials for MTJs: from band spin filtering to hybridization/spinterface
Bérangère Toury (Université de Lyon, France)
Original ways to large h-BN single crystals and derived nanosheets
Andrey Turchanin (Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany)
Molecular 2D materials for electronic and photonic applications
Jamie Warner (University of Oxford, UK)
To be defined
KEYNOTES/INVITED - Industrial Forum |
Rezal Khairi Ahmad (NanoMalaysia Berhad, Malaysia)
Commercialization Milestones of National Graphene Action Plan 2020 & What´s Next
Gerd Bacher (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Integration of (MO)CVD Grown 2D Materials into Optoelectronic Devices
Terrance Barkan (The Graphene Council, USA)
Report on Commercial Graphene Applications and Markets
Francesco Bonaccorso (BeDimensional, Italy)
High Quality 2D Materials Makes the Difference for Industrial Applications
Paolo Bondavalli (Thales Research & Technology, France)
2D Materials : Graphene and Next Gen for Energy, EMI, Memories Applications
Marc Chaigneau (HORIBA FRANCE SAS, France)
Direct Correlative Nanoscopy Imaging of 2D Materials
Tanushree H. Choudhury (Pennsylvania State University, USA)
Controlling wafer-scale epitaxial growth of transition metal dichalcogenides using MOCVD
Matt Cole (University of Bath, UK)
Holistic Development of Graphene &
Carbon Nanotube-based Electronics:
From Growth to Devices
Camilla Coletti (IIT, Italy)
Ideal electrical transport using technology-ready graphene
Samaneh Etemadi (Abalonyx, Norway)
Scaling up Production of Graphene Oxide
Andrea Ferrari (Cambridge Graphene Centre, University of Cambridge, UK)
To be defined
Jeehwan Kim (MIT, USA)
Mixed-dimensional stackable electronics enabled by freestanding 2D/3D materials
Frank Koppens (ICREA/ICFO , Spain)
GraphCAT: Catalonia as an international reference in graphene research, development and innovation
Joung Hoon Lee (Standard Graphene, South Korea)
To be defined
Zhongfan Liu (Peking University, China)
Targeting the Mass Production of CVD Graphene
Martin R. Lohe (Sixonia Tech GmbH, Germany)
In-situ functionalized E-Graphenes and the potential for energy storage and hydrogen production
Leonel Marques (Grapheal, France)
Graphene biosensors for embedded field diagnostics
Arben Merkoci (ICREA-ICN2, Spain)
Sensing and biosensing using graphene-based materials
Iwona Pasternak (ENT and WUT, Poland)
Graphene on germanium substrate – expectations versus reality
Andrew J. Pollard (National Physical Laboratory, UK)
Development of International Measurement Standards
Shintaro Sato (Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., Japan)
Application of nanocarbon and two-dimensional materials to nanoelectronics and sensors
Ravi Sundaram (Oxford Instruments, UK)
From labs to pilot lines: Graphene and related materials device fabrication solutions
Honoré Tsotetzo (Graphene Production, France)
GRAPHENE PRODUCTION - Graphene is already on several markets
Richard Van Rijn (Applied Nanolayers B.V., The Netherlands)
Dry transfer key to scalable production and integration of graphene
Aravind Vijayaraghavan (The University of Manchester, UK)
Graphene Electro-mechanical Bio-sensors
Johan Ek Weis (SIO Grafen, Sweden)
Sweden aims to be in the top 10 countries at using graphene for industrial needs
Shan Zou (National Research Council, Canada)
ASTM Standard Guide for Characterization of Graphene Flakes
Ahmad Zubair (MIT, USA)
To be defined
Amaia Zurutuza (Graphenea, Spain)
Graphene Integration in Industry