Time Zone Madrid, Spain (GMT+2)
Tue 20 |
Wed 21 |
Thu 22 |
Fri 23 |
08:45-09:00 |
Graphene2020 Opening |
PLENARY / Devices, memory, transistors sensors, etc.
09:00-09:30 |
Wafer-scale integration of 2D materials in high-density memristive crossbar arrays for artificial neural networks
Mario Lanza,
Soochow University, China |
09:30-09:45 |
Phase transition in a memristive suspended monolayer MoS2 probe measured by nano-opto-electro-mechanics. |
Julien Chaste,
C2N, France |
09:45-10:00 |
Transport through electronic whispering gallery modes in a graphene p-n junction |
Boris Brun,
Université Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain), Belgium |
10:00-10:15 |
Imaging work and dissipation in the quantum Hall state of graphene |
Arthur Marguerite,
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel |
10:15-10:30 |
Tunable few-electron single and double quantum dots in bilayer graphene |
Luca Felix Banszerus,
RWTH Aachen University, Germany |
10:30-10:45 |
Device Integration of atomically precise Graphene Nanoribbons (GNRs) |
Oliver Braun,
Empa - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Switzerland |
10:45-11:30 |
Break / ePosters / Exhibition |
PLENARY / New properties, membranes, exotic physics, etc.
11:30-12:15 |
Two-Dimensional Voids and Their Unusual Properties |
Andre Geim,
University of Manchester, UK |
12:15-12:30 |
Revisiting the Buckling Metrology Method to Determine the Young's Modulus of 2D Materials |
Riccardo Frisenda,
ICMM - CSIC, Spain |
12:30-12:45 |
Electroluminescent Hyperbolic Cooling of Graphene Field Effect Transistors |
Emmanuel Baudin,
CNRS-LPENS, France |
12:45-13:00 |
Observing the Dirac-fluid regime at room temperature |
Alexander Block,
ICN2, Spain |
PLENARY / Twisted layers physics
14:00-14:45 |
The magic of moiré quantum matter |
Pablo Jarillo-Herrero,
14:45-15:15 |
Flat Bands and Correlated Electronic States in Two Dimensional Atomic Crystals |
Eva Andrei,
Rutgers University, USA |
15:15-15:45 |
Engineering Correlation and Topology in Two-Dimensional Moire Superlattices |
Feng Wang,
University of California Berkeley, USA |
15:45-16:00 |
Commensurate and incommensurate double moire interference in graphene encapsulated by hexagonal boron nitride |
Nicolas Leconte,
University of Seoul, South Korea |
16:00-16:15 |
Tailoring Coulomb correlations in WSe2 homobilayers via interlayer twist |
Philipp Merkl,
University of Regensburg, Germany |
16:15-16:30 |
Evidence of weakly dispersive band in twisted bilayer graphene from nano-ARPES |
Felix Baumberger,
University of Geneva, Switzerland |
16:30-16:45 |
Atomic-scale materials design: vdW and non-vdW 2D materials |
Kristian Thygesen,
Technical University of Denmark, Denmark |
16:45-17:30 |
Break / ePosters / Exhibition |
PLENARY / 2D inks, composites, etc.
17:30-18:00 |
Water based and defect-free 2D Inks: from printed electronics to biomedical applications
Cinzia Casiraghi,
University of Manchester, UK |
18:00-18:15 |
Solution-processed GaSe nanoflake-based films for photoelectrochemical water splitting and photoelectrochemical-type photodetectors |
Marilena Isabella Zappia,
Bedimensional S.p.a., Italy |
18:15-18:30 |
Capillary Condensation under Atomic-Scale Confinement |
Qian Yang,
University of Manchester, UK |
. |
Workshop 1: Large scale growth of 2DM and applications
The workshop targets to overview most promising advances in two-dimensional material growth (graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides) in the context of high-technologies such as photonics and plasmonics, sensing, electronics or medical devices. Focus on experimental equipment, scalability and challenges in producing defect-free materials will be addressed, as well as their co-integration in functional devices, including field effect transistors, optical switches, photodetectors. |
|  |
Peter Bøggild |
DTU Physics |
Denmark |
Invited |
Alex Jouvray |
Aixtron |
UK |
Invited |
Satender Kataria |
RWTH Aachen University |
Germany |
Invited |
Cecilia Mattevi |
Imperial College London |
UK |
Invited |
Joshua A. Robinson |
Pennsylvania State University |
Invited |
Workshop 2: Chemistry of 2DM, Medical and Energy Applications
This workshop will focus on the progress of the chemical approaches towards graphene and related 2D materials. Top-down chemical exfoliation and bottom-up growth and synthesis of GRMs, as well as the chemical functionalization of GRMs with covalent and non-covalent approaches leading to tunable properties will be presented. Other topics including hierarchical hybrid structures, polymer composites, solution processing, electrocatalysis & photocatalysis, functional foams, membranes and coatings of GRMs will be also presented.
|  |
Sang Ouk Kim |
South Korea |
Invited |
Paolo Samorì |
Université de Strasbourg |
France |
Invited |
Andrey Turchanin |
Friedrich Schiller University Jena |
Germany |
Invited |
Workshop 3: Theory of 2D Materials and Devices Simulation
This workshop aims at presenting recent theoretical advances and simulation studies of optical, magnetic and spin transport phenomena in graphene, two-dimensional materials (2DM), as well as more complex vdW heterostructures. Emphasis will be given to concepts such as valleytronics, dynamics of excitons, as well as the emerging field of twistronics. A particular focus will be also given to the physics emerging from 2D magnetic materials and their interfacing with other 2DM such as TMD and others to trigger spintronic applications. |
|  |
Mark-Oliver Goerbig |
CNRS, Université Paris-Sud |
France |
Invited |
Mikito Koshino |
Osaka University |
Japan |
Invited |
Yazyev Oleg |
Switzerland |
Invited |
Workshop 4: Topological and Exotic Physics in van Der Waals Heterostructures
This workshop will address the recent progress and current challenges in assembling two-dimensional materials to generate new physical properties such as exotic superconductivity, Mott insulating phases, Ferromagnetism and so on in few layers’ systems, as well as the search of strategies for manipulating quantum degrees of freedom (spin, valley, sublattice pseudospin) and to trigger quantum topological phases (such as quantum spin hall effect, quantum anomalous Hall effect, spin and valley hall effects,…). |
|  |
Lapo Bogani |
University of Oxford |
UK |
Invited |
Helene Bouchiat |
Universite Paris SUD / CNRS |
France |
Invited |
Marcos H. Diniz Guimaraes |
University of Groningen |
The Netherlands |
Invited |
Hidekazu Kurebayashi |
UK |
Invited |
James McIver |
Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, CFEL |
Germany |
Invited |
Benjamin Sacépé |
Institut Néel - CNRS |
France |
Invited |
Workshop 5: Advances in hBN growth, characterization and device integration
The workshop will focus on the recent progress concerning the experimental growth techniques developed to upscale the size of hexagonal Boron-Nitride (hBN) at monolayer or multilayer level. Advances and challenges in CVD growth, epitaxial or alternative techniques to produce high-quality large single crystals of hBN will be addressed as well as their characterization and integration into functional devices. The workshop will also cover various applications of this optical material such as deep UV emitters and detectors, single photon emitters from point defects, high room-temperature proton conductivity, field effect transistors (FETs), tunneling devices, photoelectric devices, and spin devices..
|  |
Hiroki Ago |
Kyushu University |
Japan |
Invited |
Julien Barjon |
Université de Versailles St-Quentin-En-Yvelines |
France |
Invited |
James H. Edgar |
Kansas State University |
Invited |
Stephan Hofmann |
University of Cambridge |
UK |
Invited |
Cedric Huyghebaert |
Belgium |
Invited |
Frank Koppens |
Spain |
Invited |
|  |
Annick Loiseau |
France |
Invited |
Marco Romagnoli |
Italy |
Invited |
Pierre Seneor |
Université Paris-Sud / CNRS |
France |
Invited |
Bérangère Toury |
Université de Lyon |
France |
Invited |
Workshop 6: Advanced Characterization of 2DM and heterostructures
The workshop focuses on recent advances and challenges in the characterization of 2D materials, van der Waals architectures and 2D material-based devices. Properties and phenomena investigated at the mesoscopic, nano and atomic scales using diverse advanced techniques will be covered, e.g. growth, defects, chemical functionalization, heterojunctions, charge transfer and dynamics, light emission, device operation. The scope will include a wide range of characterization methods that are critical for the study of 2D materials, such as microscopy, spectroscopy and transport / photo-transport measurements. The workshop will also address multimodal/multidimensional approaches that allow a simultaneous acquisition of several information channels (e.g. structural/chemical, structural/opto-electronic…), in-situ manipulations, time-resolved measurements and operando characterization. |
|  |
Sara Barja |
Spain |
Invited |
Pascal Gehring |
UClouvain |
Belgium |
Invited |
Andrea Locatelli |
Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste |
Italy |
Invited |
Vincent Renard |
Université Grenoble Alpes / CEA |
France |
Invited |
Jamie Warner |
University of Oxford |
UK |
Invited |
A series of targeted talks given by Invited speakers will be followed by oral contributions selected from the Graphene 2020 submissions on all workshops mentioned above. |