The Phantoms Foundation based in Madrid, Spain, focuses its activities on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (N&N) and is now a key actor in structuring and fostering European Excellence and enhancing collaborations in these fields. The Phantoms Foundation, a non-profit organisation, gives high level management profile to National and European scientific projects (Involved in 11 European projects in the last 10 years either as coordinator or partner) and provides an innovative platform for dissemination, transfer and transformation of basic nanoscience knowledge, strengthening interdisciplinary research in nanoscience and nanotechnology and catalysing collaboration among international research groups.
The Foundation also works in close collaboration with Spanish and European Governmental Institutions to provide focused reports and catalogues on N&N related research areas:
  • Coordinator/Editor of the Catalogue of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Companies in Spain (published for the 6th time), which provides a general overview of the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology companies in Spain and in particular the importance of this market research, etc.
  • The most recent document is the Catalogue of Graphene companies worldwide, which provides a general overview of the Graphene industry worldwide in this emerging field and in particular the importance of this market research, etc. Editions: 2014, 2015 and 2016.
Currently, one of the main core activities is to organize International conferences, meetings and workshops in particular in the “Graphene and 2D Materials” area:

The Institut Catala de Nanociencia I Nanotecnologia (ICN2) is a flagship research institute within the CERCA network of centres created and supported by the Autonomous Government of Catalonia to raise Catalan science to the premier international level. The patrons of ICN2 are the Government of Catalonia (Generalitat), the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), and the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Its core activities are Frontier Basic and Applied Research in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Technology Transfer, and Public Outreach. Currently, ICN2 numbers some 200 staff from over 30 countries, of which about 170 are researchers. In addition to the theoretical and experimental groups involved in the project, ICN2´s activities in graphene include thermal management, photovoltaic, biosensors and energy applications, gathering about 40 researchers (permanent staff, postdoc and Ph.D. students). ICN2 achievements were recognised in 2014 with the Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence accreditation, the most prestigious award targeting research centres in Spain.

ICN2 is strongly involved in Graphene and two-dimensional materials research. It includes the theoretical study and development of multiscale computational methodologies (combining ab-initio with tight-binding models) to simulate charge, spin and phonon transport in realistic models of structurally and chemically modified graphene (and two-dimensional)-based materials and devices. Additionally research is engaged in  the development and demonstration of novel graphene spintronic devices, or the use of graphene and other carbon materials in biosensing and bioelectronics applications, such as low cost and large scale technology for the fabrication of graphene solution-gated field effect transistors as well as graphene electrodes, and their characterization in aqueous environment and in cell cultures based on CVD graphene or the use of graphene derivatives for electrochemical biosensors. Finally, hybrid materials including graphene are also investigated for applications in energy (supercapacitors) and photovoltaics.


ICREA, Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies, is a foundation supported by the Catalan Government and guided by a Board of Trustees. ICREA was created in response to the need to seek new hiring formulas that would make it possible to compete with other research systems on a similar footing by focusing on hiring only the most talented and extraordinary scientists and academics.


The Cluster of Excellence ‘Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden’ (cfaed) of Technische Universität Dresden comprises eleven research institutes in Saxony. Further members are the Technische Universität Chemnitz, two Max Planck Institutes, two Fraunhofer Institutes, two Leibniz Institutes and the Helmholtz-Research Center Dresden-Rossendorf. About 300 scientists are working in nine research paths to investigate completely new technologies for electronic information processing. These technologies are inspired by innovative materials such as silicon nanowires, carbon nanotubes or polymers or based on completely new conceptions such as circuit fabrication methods by self-assembling structures, e.g. DNA-Origami. The orchestration of these new devices into heterogeneous information processing systems with focus on their resilience and energy-efficiency is also part of cfaed’s research program. To complement the Cluster, the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 912 ‘Highly Adaptive Energy-Efficient Computing’ (HAEC) has been integrated in cfaed. Both, cfaed and HAEC, are coordinated by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Gerhard Fettweis, who holds the Vodafone Chair Mobile Communications Systems at TU Dresden.
Website: www.cfaed.tu-dresden.de

The Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) is a Foundation established in 2003 jointly by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research and the Ministry of Economy and Finance to promote excellence in basic and applied research. The Foundation is intended to promote Italy's technological development and advanced education, consistent with national policies for scientific and technological development, thus strengthening the national production system. The research plan of the institute focuses on Humanoid technologies and Robotics, Neuroscience and Cognition, Nanotechnology and Materials. The Institute has a staff of more than 1300 people, the central research lab being located in Genoa. IIT has a large experience with the management of large research projects and has been involved in more than 100 EU funded projects in the last 8 years. IIT headquarter in Genoa has a 30,000m2 facility equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories for robotics, nanoscience and neuroscience, and a network of 10 state-of-the-art laboratories countrywide. Since September 2013 IIT has launched the graphene research, collected under the umbrella of the IIT Graphene Labs, which currently involves more than 30 researchers working on different aspects of graphene and bi-dimensional crystals science and technology. IIT Graphene Labs is actively involved in realising scientific and technological targets in the field of energy conversion and storage, material production (e.g., chemical vapour deposition and solution processing), deposition and composite production, as well as heterostructures and bio-nanotechnology (e.g., biocompatibility essays, biomolecule-graphene interaction). IIT Graphene Labs has a strong effort in dissemination and technology transfer activities. In particular, the technology transfer program of IIT Graphene Labs is developing through specific agreements with companies.

Founded in 1425, UCL is one of Europe´s oldest universities, with more than 28,000 students. UCL is a key player in fundamental research in Belgium, in Europe and worldwide and is also an official partner of the Graphene Flagship. The UCL research group of Prof. J.-C. Charlier has well versed in fundamental aspects of ab initio, atomistic and property modelling and is strongly involved in the prediction of spin-dependent transport in graphene and other 2D systems (including vdW heterostructures), based on its expertise in first-principles simulations for more than twenty five years.



  Organising Committee
Antonio Correia   Phantoms Foundation (Spain) - Chairman
Francesco Bonaccorso   IIT / Bedimensional (Italy)
Jean-Christophe Charlier   Universite Catholique de Louvain (Belgium)
Xinliang Feng   Technische Universitaet Dresden (Germany)
Stephan Roche   ICREA/ICN2 (Spain)
  Local Organizing Committee
Hanako Okuno   UGA, CEA, IRIG-MEM (France)
Johann Coraux   UGA, CNRS, G-INP, Institut Néel (France)
Alessandro Cresti   UGA, USMB, CNRS, G-INP, IMEP-LaHC (France)
Matthieu Jamet   UGA, CEA, CNRS, G-INP, IRIG-Spintec (France)
Benjamin Grévin   UGA, CEA, CNRS, SyMMES (France)
Clément Faugeras   UGA, CNRS, UPS, INSA, EMFL, LNCMI (France)
Thomas Alava   UGA, CEA, LETI (France)
Vincent Bouchiat   Grapheal (France)
Catherine Journet   UCBL-UdL , CNRS, LMI, (France)
Alfonso San Miguel   UCBL-UdL , CNRS, LMI (France)
  International Scientific Committee
Chair: Antonio Castro Neto   National University of Singapore (Singapore)
Jong-Hyun Ahn   Yonsei University (South Korea)
Alberto Bianco   University of Strasbourg (France)
Solange Binotto Fagan   Franciscan University (Brazil)
Siva Böhm   ArcelorMittal (Spain)
Sung-Yool Choi   KAIST (Korea)
Gianaurelio Cuniberti   TU-Dresden (Germany)
Vladimir Falko   The University of Manchester (UK)
Luis Foa-Torres   University of Chile (Chile)
Costas Galiotis   FORTH/ ICE-HT and University of Patras (Greece)
Masataka Hasegawa   AIST (Japan)
Frank Koppens   ICFO (Spain)
Emmanuel Kymakis   Hellenic Mediterranean University (Greece)
Yichun Li   China Innovation Alliance of the Graphene Industry (China)
Xavier Marie   Insa Toulouse (France)
Vittorio Morandi   IMM-CNR (Italy)
Daniel Neumaier   University of Wuppertal (Germany)
Antti Pekka Jauho   DTU (Denmark)
Alain Pénicaud   CNRS / Université Bordeaux-I (France)
Marcos Pimenta   UFMG (Brazil)
Bernard Plaçais   Laboratoire Pierre Aigrain, ENS (France)
Wencai Ren   Shenyang National laboratory (China)
Young-Woo Son   KIAST (South Korea)
Ken Teo   Aixtron (UK)
Eunezio A. Thoroh de Souza   MackGraphe (Brazil)
Aravind Vijayaraghavan   The University of Manchester (UK)
Sergio Valenzuela   ICREA/ICN2 (Spain)
Christophe Voisin   ENS Paris (France)
Di Wei   Beijing Graphene Institute (China)
  Industrial Forum
Ken Teo   AIXTRON (UK)
Luigi Colombo   The University of Texas at Dallas (USA)
Thomas Alava   CEA/LETI (France)
Francesco Bonaccorso   IIT / Bedimensional (Italy)
Vincent Bouchiat   Grapheal SAS (France)
Zhong Fan Liu   BGI (China)
Martin Lohe   TUDresden / Sixonia (Germany)
Oliver Whear   AIXTRON (UK)

The "graphene and co: From 1D Nanostructures to 2D Materials and their Heterostructures: Basics and Applications" group is a national research group (GDR 3217) and an international coordination network (GDRI) cross-linking research on nanotubes and graphene.  Its scientific activity is based on three vital and emerging research themes, which develop knowledge of basic properties of individual nano-objects as well as their manipulation for developing devices linked to the industrial and socio-economical world.  The group gathers French, European and Canadian partners who have played a major role in the activities of the previous GDR, and to which are added scientists of international reputation working on graphene.
